Collection page settings

The collection page settings will setup your category pages. So when people click a category in your navigation they will land on this page.

  • Hide category image: When you have uploaded a category image and you want to hide that image, set this setting to yes.
  • Show subcategories: When a category has multiple subcategories then you can show these in a nice and neat way. Using this will result in that people will dive deeper into your categories (or subcategories). Another purpose is that you don’t have to set a category with products to an overview category. See the image below


  • Show subcategories with category images: You can choose to show the subcategories with or without images. Offcourse you have to upload those first 🙂
  • Collection page content: When you have written a category text you can choose to show this anywere on the page. You have 3 options:
    • At the top of the page: Show the complete text at the top of the page
    • Partially top partially bottom: Show a part of the text at the top and a part below your products.
    • At the bottom of the page: Show the complete text below your products

To show a part at thetop and part athe bottom: To do this you have to break your text into two. Go to the category content in your backoffice. In your text editor paste the following key -> [break]. The theme will cut the text into two and will show the part above the break tag on top of the page and the rest below.

Updated on June 24, 2021

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