03. Visual

The following settings relate to your theme colors and text.

Rounded corners

Indicate here whether you want rounded corners in your theme or not.

Rounded corners
Straight corners

Theme colors

Here you set the main colors of the theme.

  • Primary color: This is the main color of the theme
  • Green color: This is the color for your messages that are positive. Think of “in stock” etc.
  • Red color: This is the color for your messages that are negative. Think of “out of stock” etc.
  • Yellow color: This is the color for your low stock notification. So “only 2 left in stock” etc.
green color
red color
yellow color


Set here all fonts and text colors for your titles and body text. For beatufill font combo’s look at https://www.fontpair.co/ or look up some fonts used here https://fonts.google.com/


Set the colors of your buttons here.

  • Primary button: This is your CTA (call to action button). This is used for important buttons like adding to the cart.
CTA button
  • Secondary button: Your second most important button and is used for example for the category buttons
secondary button
  • Third button: This is your supported button.
Updated on December 29, 2021

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