
This section describes how to setup the headlines on the hompage.

First you have some general settings.

  • Headlines layout: This is an important settings since this will determine how your homepage overall look will be. You have 4 options:
    • Headline with 3 banners on the right side
    • Headline with 3 banners in a grid
    • Headline with one banner and customer service block on the right side
    • Fullwidth headlines and no banners

Have a look below how the four options look like.

Headline with 3 banners on the right side

Headline with 3 banners in a grid

Headline with one banner and customer service block on the right side

Fullwidth headlines and no banners

Next you can setup a video slide

  • Activate video slide: Setting this to yes will convert slide/headline1 to a video slide.
  • Video url: Copy/paste the url from the video in this textbox. You can use Youtube or Vimeo video’s.

Setting up a headline

  • Slide1 activate: Activate or deactivate this slide
  • Slide 1 image: Here you can upload your images. You have the option to use 3 different images for desktop, tablet and mobile.

Best image sizes

This depends on the style of headlines you use and style of header. We have made a cheat sheet below. We advice to use .jpg images since they will cost less loading time.

If you use Header 1

  • Dektop: 625×300 pixels
  • Tablet: 492×300 pixels
  • Mobile: 345×200 pixels

If you use Header 2

  • Dektop: 938×300 pixels
  • Tablet: 517×300 pixels
  • Mobile: 345×200 pixels
Updated on Juni 24, 2021

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